National Center for Khmer Ceramics Revival From 500 years ago; Cambodia lost its ceramics craftsmen; last events endured by the Khmer population completely extinguish this knowledge. Moreover, every days Khmer Antiques Ceramics are illegally trade and exported from Cambodia. This critical situation prompted a concerned group of international scholars and ceramists to form The National Center for Khmer Ceramics Revival (NCKCR), a non-profit organization dedicated to provoke the rebirth.

Vocational training

The rural vocational training aim to given for villagers communities the knowledge in order to handle clay works. They will be able to self sustain small pottery business in touristy areas increasing sustainable wealthy..

The studio

We put it one week in the water to dilute it. After we sieve it on sun dryers. Clay is blend by hand with skims minerals. Clay's preparation without machines is a very hard works. We don't have any raw materials suppliers in Cambodia. All minerals (feldspath, ochre, magnesite, ash, sand, ...) are extract by the NCKCR staff, sort out, grind and sieve by hand.

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